Wednesday 7 October 2015

Kwasi and Marcus

(Written with "random first line generator", "He turned the key in the lock and opened the door. To his horror, he saw...")

He turned the key in the lock and opened the door. To his horror, he saw the beautiful vase his grandmother had given him for his 25th birthday laying in a hundred pieces on the floor. Stepping carefully to avoid the shards, he went into the kitchen. The chaos that met him there made him very sure of one thing: Marcus had forged a war against the fridge, which had ended in a massacre. The refrigerator door was open, with half of the foods spilt down onto the floor. The cake Kwasi had made that very morning was gone.

He closed his eyes, and sighed.

He needed to find that dumb dog. Marcus was most likely hiding somewhere in shame, but with all the broken glass, Kwasi couldn't help but be a bit worried that Marcus might have hurt himself. It didn't take him long to find his bufoon of a companion, however - a slight whimpering from his bedroom closet clued him in to Marcus's hiding place. He certainly wasn't a particularly clever dog - he always hid in the closet. And he loved Kwasi so much, he couldn't stand not greeting him by the door like he usually did, but he knew he'd done a bad thing, so he hid, but he whimpered. When Kwasi opened the door and looked at his dog, he was met with the saddest couple of brown eyes he had ever seen.

"Oh, Marcus... You're not making it easy for us, are you?"

Kwasi made sure to show him how disappointed and angry he was, hoping that Marcus might be able to keep himself in line the next time. He hadn't been alone for more than three hours, but that was enough for mischief to strike. When Kwasi had cleaned up the mess, and hoovered the entire flat twice, for fear of finding more glass shards in random places, he called his friend.

"Hey, Abby... Yeah, yeah, I'm alright, thanks. Hey listen, that cake I promised you... Oh no, I didn't forget! I made it this morning, and it looked good too, I even took a picture... But I happen to have a dumb and hungry dog... Yes, he did. He raided the entire fridge, it honestly looked like a war zone when I got home... I can bake another, of course, but I probably won't be able to get there early... Thanks for understanding! No, I don't mind, I want to get you that cake, come on... Alright great, I'll see you tonight!"

Kwasi had initially planned on doing laundry, as well as reading the next few chapters in the current murder mystery he was engrossed in, but that would have to wait. He took Marcus out for a walk, and proceeded to buy more eggs and butter, since the ones he'd had at home had fallen victims in the Great Fridge Raid. He wouldn't let Marcus stay in the kitchen, but kept the door into the living room open, so that they could see each other. Kwasi enjoyed pottering around in the kitchen, and Marcus was otherwise always allowed in there. Not today though, he was left to lie on the sofa, softly whimpering and looking rather pathetic. Kwasi reminded him that it was his own doing for ruining the vase and the food, and stealing the first cake. He thought it a rather fitting punishment, but he couldn't stay angry with his dog, and kept chatting happily to him while he worked.

While the cake stood in the oven, Kwasi got himself ready for the party. Abby had finally gotten that promotion she had so desired at the law firm where she worked, and they were celebrating it with cake and drinks for all her friends. He still wouldn't let Marcus into the kitchen when he got the cake out of the oven, and made ready to leave.

"Now, I'm going to be gone for another couple of hours, okay, and when I get home I don't want to find another mess... You be a good boy tonight, alright, Marcus?"

The party was very successful, the cake much appreciated by everyone, and Abby all smiles and pride. Kwasi felt quite pleased with himself and the cake, when he came home, a little over two hours later. He turned the key in the lock, and this time he heard the distinct sound of paws thundering toward the door. When he stepped inside, he was met with a happy, jumping dog, who seemed determined to lick him in the face. Kwasi laughed and managed to calm Marcus down. The dog was clearly proud of this time having no reason to hide from shame, he had behaved just as he ought. Besides, there were no more cake for him to eat, or so he thought. But a little whiles later found Marcus and Kwasi curled up on the sofa, and Kwasi produced a last piece of cake that had been left over from the party. He put it down in a bowl in front of Marcus, who took a huge bite, before remembering himself. He looked up at Kwasi with big, pleading eyes, as if to ask if this piece of cake really was for him.

"Yeah buddy, that's your cake." He knew it wasn't very smart, but Kwasi couldn't help himself. He just loved that dumb dog.

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